BRIT Now Art
Olivia Wahl
OliviaWahl.jpg201Olivia WahlLouis Dupin - Earth
LouisDupinEarth.jpg200Louis Dupin - EarthLily Hamblin
LilyHamblin.JPG199Lily HamblinLashae Munting
LashaeMunting.jpg198Lashae MuntingHolly Morton
HollyMorton.jpg197Holly MortonErin Keyes
ErinKeyes.jpg196Erin Keyesconsumption james iusiumbeli
consumptionjamesiusiumbeli.jpg195consumption james iusiumbeliAriella Polivnick
AriellaPolivnick.jpg194Ariella PolivnickEve Lucas yr13IDD
EveLucasyr13IDD.gif193Eve Lucas yr13IDDImarni McCalla
4ImarniMcCalla.png189Imarni McCallaTrapped in a Painting -Anabel Hassan Yr10
3rappedinaPainting-AnabelHassanYr10.jpg188Trapped in a Painting -Anabel Hassan Yr10Harmony Latinwo
2HarmonyLatinwo.png187Harmony LatinwoEdward Agacid
2EdwardAgacid.png186Edward AgacidDont Conform - Felix Dale
2DontConform-FelixDale.jpg185Dont Conform - Felix DaleDirk Ravasiobonesouo yr11
2DirkRavasiobonesouoyr11IDD.png184Dirk Ravasiobonesouo yr11A New Warrior - Savanah Thorpe
2ANewWarrior-SavanahThorpe.jpg183A New Warrior - Savanah ThorpeDont Run from It - Embrace - Daniel Potterton yr11
1DontRunfromIt-Embrace-DanielPottertonyr11.png182Dont Run from It - Embrace - Daniel Potterton yr11A Self Portrait - Daniel Potterton Yr11
1ASelfPortrait-DanielPottertonYr11.png181A Self Portrait - Daniel Potterton Yr11Daisy Madkins
DaisyMadkins.jpg177Daisy MadkinsDaisy Madkins 3
13DaisyMadkins3.jpg174Daisy Madkins 3Daisy Madkins 4
13DaisyMadkins4.jpg173Daisy Madkins 4Daisy Madkins 2
13DaisyMadkins2.jpg175Daisy Madkins 2Affirmations
Affirmations.jpg178AffirmationsLorenzo Zilli International Women's day
24LorenzoZilliinternational-womens-day-.jpeg176Lorenzo Zilli International Women's dayNyah Torey
21NyahTorey.jpg172Nyah ToreyLGBT2
25.LGBT2.jpg171LGBT2Nancy Stirling 1
Nancy3.png170Nancy Stirling 1Nancy Stirling 2
Nancy1.png169Nancy Stirling 2Nancy Stirling 3
Nancy2.png168Nancy Stirling 3Lola-Malini Raman-Middleton
Lola1.png166Lola-Malini Raman-MiddletonLola-Malini Raman-Middleton
lola2.png165Lola-Malini Raman-MiddletonLola-Malini Raman-Middleton
lola3.png164Lola-Malini Raman-MiddletonLola-Malini Raman-Middleton
lola4.png163Lola-Malini Raman-MiddletonJake Evans Pride
JakeEvans.jpeg162Jake Evans PrideLove is Love
0.LGBT1.jpg161Love is LoveStephanieWorrellY1021)
AnabelHassanY10.jpg138AnabelHassanY10Expectations of an 'attractive' woman - Anabel Hassan
2-2AnabelHassan.png137Expectations of an 'attractive' woman - Anabel HassanWe are changing the world (poster series) Jake Evans
2-4JakeEvans2.jpg136We are changing the world (poster series) Jake EvansWe are changing the world (poster series) Jake Evans
2-4JakeEvans3.jpg135We are changing the world (poster series) Jake EvansWe are changing the world (poster series) Jake Evans
1-2JakeEvans4.jpg134We are changing the world (poster series) Jake EvansWe are changing the world (poster series) Jake Evans
1-2JakeEvans.jpg133We are changing the world (poster series) Jake EvansTrashtoFashion2byNadiaKwiecinskaYear12
KindnessbyMaiaCutlerFishYear10.jpg112KindnessbyMaiaCutlerFishYear10Cadene 3
Cadene 3.jpg85Cadene 3Cadene 4
Cadene 4.jpg84Cadene 4Cadene 5
Cadene 5.jpg83Cadene 5Cadene Holder- Lewis 2
Cadene Holder- Lewis 2.jpg82Cadene Holder- Lewis 2Candene Holder- Lewis
Candene Holder- Lewis.jpg81Candene Holder- LewisSam Balch & Fred Gowers
Sam Balch & Fred Gowers.png80Sam Balch & Fred GowersTatum Parden Year 13 - Incompetence
Tatum Parden.png79Tatum Parden Year 13 - IncompetenceSadie Moir Year 13 - Britain is Guilty
Sadie Moir.png78Sadie Moir Year 13 - Britain is GuiltySadie Moir Year 13 - Britain is Guilty 2
Sadie Moir 2.png77Sadie Moir Year 13 - Britain is Guilty 2Eve Alexander Year 11 - a cyanotype print that I made to thank our wonderful NHS and my contribution to the #BRITgoesblue movement
Eve Alexander.jpg76Eve Alexander Year 11 - a cyanotype print that I made to thank our wonderful NHS and my contribution to the #BRITgoesblue movementOllieBurtonLearner
TheodoreAndall-WorldEarthDay2021.png219TheodoreAndall-WorldEarthDay2021Harmony Latinwo Year 12 - Contextual Studies, studying the use of lines
Harmony Latinwo .png75Harmony Latinwo Year 12 - Contextual Studies, studying the use of linesHarmony Latinwo Year 12 - a model named Mulan Bae
Harmony Latinwo 2.png74Harmony Latinwo Year 12 - a model named Mulan BaeLibby Cooper Year 13 - My Sister 1
Libby Cooper 1.jpg73Libby Cooper Year 13 - My Sister 1Libby Cooper Year 13 - My Sister 2
Libby Cooper 2.jpg72Libby Cooper Year 13 - My Sister 2Rosie Tsuro Year 13 - body modification
Rosie Tsuro.jpg71Rosie Tsuro Year 13 - body modificationJake Hart 5
Jake Hart 5.jpg70Jake Hart 5Jake Hart 3 FMP
Jake Hart 3.jpg69Jake Hart 3 FMPJake Hart 1 FMP
Jake Hart 1.jpg68Jake Hart 1 FMPJake Hart 2 FMP
Jake Hart 2.jpg67Jake Hart 2 FMPJake Hart 4 FMP
Jake Hart 4.jpg65Jake Hart 4 FMPJoe Puxley
Joe Puxley.jpg64Joe PuxleyMimi da Silvavan Hauen (Year 10)
My piece is called 'discomfort' inspired by the emotion of feeling uncomfortable, the mix of emotions and confusion that we are currently surrounded by. The 'messy' brushstrokes create a somewhat chaotic feel that sums up the general feel currently.
Mimi da Silvavan Hauen.png63Mimi da Silvavan Hauen (Year 10)My piece is called 'discomfort' inspired by the emotion of feeling uncomfortable, the mix of emotions and confusion that we are currently surrounded by. The 'messy' brushstrokes create a somewhat chaotic feel that sums up the general feel currently.George Everitt (Year 11) VEDay1
The title is Concealment and I based it around the poem we were studying for our English GCSE Literature called, 'Poppies' by Jane Weir, and Army uniforms from the Imperial War Museum. One of the jackets from WWII had a huge incision where surgery had taken place - so I recreated the incision and created a web underneath with memorabilia such as photographs and handbooks - along with quotes from the poem, which is written by a mother grieving for her son. The jacket conceals the torment and the stories that go on behind war.
GeorgeVEDay1.jpg62George Everitt (Year 11) VEDay1The title is Concealment and I based it around the poem we were studying for our English GCSE Literature called, 'Poppies' by Jane Weir, and Army uniforms from the Imperial War Museum. One of the jackets from WWII had a huge incision where surgery had taken place - so I recreated the incision and created a web underneath with memorabilia such as photographs and handbooks - along with quotes from the poem, which is written by a mother grieving for her son. The jacket conceals the torment and the stories that go on behind war.George Everitt (Year 11) VEDay3
The title is Concealment and I based it around the poem we were studying for our English GCSE Literature called, 'Poppies' by Jane Weir, and Army uniforms from the Imperial War Museum. One of the jackets from WWII had a huge incision where surgery had taken place - so I recreated the incision and created a web underneath with memorabilia such as photographs and handbooks - along with quotes from the poem, which is written by a mother grieving for her son. The jacket conceals the torment and the stories that go on behind war.
GeorgeVEDay3.jpg61George Everitt (Year 11) VEDay3The title is Concealment and I based it around the poem we were studying for our English GCSE Literature called, 'Poppies' by Jane Weir, and Army uniforms from the Imperial War Museum. One of the jackets from WWII had a huge incision where surgery had taken place - so I recreated the incision and created a web underneath with memorabilia such as photographs and handbooks - along with quotes from the poem, which is written by a mother grieving for her son. The jacket conceals the torment and the stories that go on behind war.George Everitt (Year 11) VEDay2
The title is Concealment and I based it around the poem we were studying for our English GCSE Literature called, 'Poppies' by Jane Weir, and Army uniforms from the Imperial War Museum. One of the jackets from WWII had a huge incision where surgery had taken place - so I recreated the incision and created a web underneath with memorabilia such as photographs and handbooks - along with quotes from the poem, which is written by a mother grieving for her son. The jacket conceals the torment and the stories that go on behind war.
GeorgeVEDay2.jpg60George Everitt (Year 11) VEDay2The title is Concealment and I based it around the poem we were studying for our English GCSE Literature called, 'Poppies' by Jane Weir, and Army uniforms from the Imperial War Museum. One of the jackets from WWII had a huge incision where surgery had taken place - so I recreated the incision and created a web underneath with memorabilia such as photographs and handbooks - along with quotes from the poem, which is written by a mother grieving for her son. The jacket conceals the torment and the stories that go on behind war.Karina Alvares Year 13
Fundamental drawing in Photoshop - Karina Alvares (Year 13)
Karina Alvares Yr 13.jpg59Karina Alvares Year 13Fundamental drawing in Photoshop - Karina Alvares (Year 13)Libby Collar Year 13
CORONAVIVAL: a Lockdown survival guide - Libby Collar (Year 13)
Libby Collar.jpg58Libby Collar Year 13CORONAVIVAL: a Lockdown survival guide - Libby Collar (Year 13)Josie Silverman Year 12
My artist name is ‘Jo C’ and I am in 12 Music Tech. My new song ‘Air and Water’ has come out on all streaming platforms
Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 10.33.51.png57Josie Silverman Year 12My artist name is ‘Jo C’ and I am in 12 Music Tech. My new song ‘Air and Water’ has come out on all streaming platforms Adegbite Moonlit Hillside
I drew this thinking of calming times. I wanted the drawing to have a very chill and relaxing atmosphere, something that people may need right around now. Just a chance to lay down and relax.
moonlit hillside.png56Alex Adegbite Moonlit HillsideI drew this thinking of calming times. I wanted the drawing to have a very chill and relaxing atmosphere, something that people may need right around now. Just a chance to lay down and relax.Wiktoria Tracz Music
I just released my EP CHAOS and would love to share it. It was actually meant to be my Unit 13 project.
Screenshot 2020-04-23 at 18.14.24.png55Wiktoria Tracz MusicI just released my EP CHAOS and would love to share it. It was actually meant to be my Unit 13 project.Ellie Evans Music
I wrote it about the current coronavirus situation and lockdown. It can also be found on my sound cloud which is just ‘Ellie Evans’.
Ellie Evans photo to go with track .JPG54Ellie Evans MusicI wrote it about the current coronavirus situation and lockdown. It can also be found on my sound cloud which is just ‘Ellie Evans’.Edith Owen (Year 12)
Oil painting Inspired by Lucien Freud
Oil painting Inspired by Lucien Freud By Edith Owen year 12 VAD.JPEG53Edith Owen (Year 12)Oil painting Inspired by Lucien FreudRakesh Paffey (Year 13)
freehanded drawing of the character 'Bane', which I have colourised and added effects on Adobe Photoshop.
Rakesh Paffey freehanded drawing of the character 'Bane', which I have colorised and added effects on photoshop..jpg52Rakesh Paffey (Year 13)freehanded drawing of the character 'Bane', which I have colourised and added effects on Adobe Photoshop.Skye Moger (VAD Year 13) Naturally Dying Fabrics
20200325_175410.jpg51Skye Moger (VAD Year 13) Naturally Dying FabricsIsabel Rimer
4IsabelRimer.jpg190Isabel RimerStephanie Worrell yr10
6StephanieWorrellyr10.jpg191Stephanie Worrell yr10Rebekah Cooper (Music Tech Year 13)
Sounds Cloud clip at 25 mins in
Sun 3 Rebekah Cooper MUSIC.jpg50Rebekah Cooper (Music Tech Year 13)Sounds Cloud clip at 25 mins in Bastow (VAD Year 12)
Jo Bastow 2.jpg49Jo Bastow (VAD Year 12)Jo Bastow (VAD Year 12)
Jo Bastow 3.jpg48Jo Bastow (VAD Year 12)Jo Bastow (VAD Year 12)
Jo Bastow 4.jpg47Jo Bastow (VAD Year 12)Jo Bastow (VAD Year 12)
Jo Bastow 5.jpg46Jo Bastow (VAD Year 12)Jo Bastow (VAD Year 12)
Jo Bastow 6.jpg45Jo Bastow (VAD Year 12)Nadia Kwiecinska (VAD Year 11)
Nadia Kwiecinska 1.jpg44Nadia Kwiecinska (VAD Year 11)Nadia Kwiecinska (VAD Year 11)
Nadia Kwiecinska 2.jpg43Nadia Kwiecinska (VAD Year 11)KindnessbyIsabelRimer
Venus.png179VenusBRIT Now Venus Edition Cover
13DaisyMadkinsCOVER2.png180BRIT Now Venus Edition CoverKindnessNeoManoEppsYear10
StephanieWorrellY102.jpg153StephanieWorrellY102Love is Love 2
25.LGBT2.jpg167Love is Love 2